- Ph.D in biological anthropology - University of Minnesota (USA), 2023 Thesis title: Male reproductive strategies in bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
- M.A. in biological anthropology - University of Minnesota (USA), 2020
- M.S. . in human pathology, specialized in forensic anthropology - University of Aix-Marseille (France), 2016
- B.A. in anthropology - University of Montreal (Canada), 2014
Academic Experience
*Academic position
- Post-doctorate position - Anthropology department, PI: Dr. Luke Glowacki, Boston University, Current
- Research fellow - Institute for Advanced study in Toulouse (IAST), Université Capitole 1 (France), 2023
- 06/2024 - 08/2024: Omo Valley, Ethiopia, PI: Dr. Luke Glowacki and Dr. Zachary Garfield. Establishing research presence and running first round of interviews (recording households, running individual census surveys and others), and focus group on coalition formation in 3 different ethnic groups: Kwegu (Kuchuro village), Nyangatom (Kopria Kebele), Kara (Dus village).
- 12/2023: Omo Valley, Ethiopia, PI: Dr. Luke Glowacki and Dr. Zachary Garfield - Establishing future research presence in different villages (Kwegu, Nyangatom, Hamar) for future field seasons.
- 12/2021 - 03/2022 & 05/2019 - 08/2019: Doctoral research & Lab manager, Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo. PI: Dr. Martin Surbeck. Taking behavioral data on bonobos and urine samples. Managing the lab (e.g., urine, feces, and DNA samples) on the field, training the field assistants to take behavioral data and samples, monitoring the health of bonobos, and performing necropsies. I also supervised the sanitary security of the bonobos by meeting with and training the field assistants (masks, hand sanitizer, security distances with the animals, etc.), raising awareness on bonobos to the local communities, and helping the local communities to restrain epidemics by finding solutions with local materials (sewing masks, keeping distances with animals, using local alcohol as hand sanitizer, etc.).
- 06/2018: Pilot research, Gombe National Park, Tanzania. PI: Dr. Michael L. Wilson. Taking behavioral data on chimpanzees.
- 07/2012: Excavation on cemetery, Saint Maurice de Navacelles, France.
- 2020: Necropsy training, Max Planck Institute for evolutionary anthropology & Robert Kosh-Institute (Germany). Training to perform necropsies and training in sanitary protocol and biosafety protocol.
- 01/2016 - 05/2016: Forensic Anthropology, University of Aix-Marseille (France). PI: Dr. Pascal Adalian. Master’s thesis in biological anthropology about discrete traits and ancestry.
- 06/2015 - 08/2015: Forensic Anthropology, University of Aix-Marseille (France). PI: Dr. Pascal Adalian. Study of human remains & autopsies at the institute of legal medicine.
- 05/2015 - 06/2015: Bioarcheology, University of Aix-Marseille, UMR 7268 ADES (France). Cleaning, reconditioning and application of bioanthropological methods.
- 04/2015: Morphometry geometric, University of Aix-Marseille, UMR 7268 ADES (France). Learning cementochronology method, University of Aix-Marseille (France).
- 03/2015: Morphometry geometric, University of Aix-Marseille, UMR 7268 ADES (France). Using morphometry geometric methods to study the shape of the frontal bone on skulls from two different populations (Negritos et Chumash).
- 11/2014: Scientific communication, University of Aix Marseille (France) Learning how to communicate research results to different disciplines especially during conferences and learning how to prepare a scientific poster.
*ODK-X work
- Co-develop the AnthroCollect application with ODK-X Survey for the Omo Valley Project – This app is designed to link individuals and households as well as to support phonetic research of individual’s name. It directly creates a relational database and assign a unique ID for each household and individual. It also enables the creation of customized forms for conducting interviews at the household or individual levels.
- Design and develop interview forms using ODK-X survey for various data collection contexts, including household, individual census, and social network surveys.
*Database work
- 2024 - : Omo Valley Project – starting a new database for the interviews from three villages in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia (Kwegu, Nyangatom, Hamar).
- 2021 - 2023: Extraction of Pant-Grunt for Gombe database – Data extracted from hand-written notes in Swahili.
- 2021 - 2022: Kokolopori Bonobo Research database – Worked with the database manager to start the official database (extract, clean, translate data, prepare tables, etc.).
- 2021 - 2022: Creation of a database on Microsoft Access for my dissertation using raw data from the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve.
*Student Supervision
- 2022 - 2023: Supervising two undergraduate students for a new project using the Agent Based Model B3GET. Supervising one undergraduate student for a new project comparing methodological approach to estimate rank in chimpanzees (e.g., using pant-grunt or aggression data).
- 2022: Supervision of a capstone project based on the agent Based Model B3GET. Supervised two undergraduate students who learnt how to extract pant grunt data from Gombe.
- 2020 - 2021: Supervised one undergraduate student who helped with bonobo and chimpanzee data extraction and learnt how to conduct primary analyses.
* Published:
- Mouginot M., Cheng L., Feldblum, J.T., Gilby, I., Pusey, A., Städele V., Wroblewski, E., Wilson, M.L., Surbeck, M. (2023). Reproductive inequality among males in the genus Pan. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 378: 20220301.
- Mouginot, M., Wilson, M.L., Desai, N., Surbeck, M. Differences in expression of male aggression between wild bonobos and chimpanzees. Current Biology - April 12th.
* In preparation:
- Renner, G., Crouse, K., Mouginot, M. Modeling the environment of bonobos and chimpanzees using B3GET. Animal Behavior.
- Mouginot, M., Wilson, M.L., Surbeck, M. Differences in adult male-immature interactions between bonobos and chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution.
Professional Talks
* Conferences:
- Mouginot, M., Wilson, M.L., Desai, N., Surbeck, M. “Male adult-immature interactions in bonobos in comparison to chimpanzees” – 35th Annual Meeting of the Société Francophone de Primatology.
- Mouginot, M., Wilson, M.L., Desai, N., Surbeck, M. “Comparing aggression between wild bonobos and chimpanzees: Self-domestication or convergence with monkeys?” - 91th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
- Renner, G., Crouse, K., Mouginot, M., “Modeling the environment of bonobos and chimpanzees using B3GET”- 91th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
* Guest Lectures:
- Lecture on “Cooperation and marriage” – ANTH/EEB 3002 Sex, Evolution, and Behavior – University of Minnesota - March 2019.
- Lecture on “senescence, aging, and menopause” – ANTH/EEB 3002 Sex, Evolution, and Behavior – University of Minnesota - March 2018.
* Other Presentations:
- Mouginot M. “The peaceful bonobo and the aggressive chimpanzee: the data behind the myth” – Invited talk at the Institute of Evolutionary Sciences of Montpellier (ISEM) – January 2024.
- Mouginot M. “Male adult-immature interactions in bonobos in comparison to chimpanzees” Institute of Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST) – October 2023.
- Mouginot M. “The peaceful bonobo and the aggressive chimpanzee: the data behind the myth” Dr. Luke Glowacki Lab, Department of Anthropology, Boston University – November 2022.
- Mouginot M. “The peaceful bonobo and the aggressive chimpanzee: the data behind the myth” EEB group, Department of Evolution, Ecology and Behavior, University of Minnesota – September 2022.
- Mouginot M. “Reproductive strategies in bonobos and chimpanzees” Brown Bag series talk, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota – January 2022.
- Mouginot M. “Male bonobo reproductive strategies”, Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University – April 2021.
Mouginot M. “Aggression in male bonobos and chimpanzees”, Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, November 2021.
Outreach Talks
* Outreach Talks
- Mouginot M. “Être anthropologue évolutionniste” (Being an evolutionary anthropologist) – Eurekafé, Toulouse, France – January 2024.
- Mouginot M. “Science-fiction and anthropology”, 40th annual umn undergraduate anthropology conference, University of Minnesota – March 2019.
- Mouginot M. “Science-fiction and anthropology”, Alliance Française, Minneapolis – October 2018.
- * Radio participation
- RTS – CQFD – “Les bonobos bagarreurs ont plus de succès auprès des femelles” 04/15/2024.
- BBC – Naked Scientists - “’Peaceful’ bonobos more aggressive than first thought” 04/12/2024.
- CBC – quirks and quarks – “Bonobos are not as nice as their reputation suggests” 04/13/2024.
- NPR - Science Friday – “Bonobos Are Gentler Than Chimps? Maybe Not” 04/26/2024.
- Radio-Canada – Les Années Lumières – “Bonobos : pas si placides que ça” – 04/28/2024.
Teaching Experience
- Fall 2022- Instructor of record: Human evolution (50 students), Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Summer 2022 - Instructor of record: Anthropology and science-fiction (14 students), Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Spring 2022 - Instructor of record: Human evolution (40 students), Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Fall 2021 - Lab administrator and instructor: Human evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota. Created new version of Human evolution labs (hybrid version).
- Summer 2020 - Lab instructor: Human evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Fall 2020 - Lab administrator and instructor: Human evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Summer 2020 - Lab administrator and instructor: Human evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota. Co-created new version of Human evolution labs (online version).
- Spring 2020 - Lab instructor: Sex, human and Evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Spring 2019 - Lab administrator and instructor: Human evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Spring 2019 - Lab instructor: Sex, human and Evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Fall 2018 - Lab instructor: Human evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Spring 2018 - Lab instructor: Sex, human and Evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
- Fall 2017 - Lab instructor: Human evolution, Department of anthropology, University of Minnesota.
Honors and Awards
- Spring 2023: ABD Dissertation-Finishing Fellowship, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota – $10,000.
- 2020: Block Grant, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota (awarded for support while extracting data for the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve) –$2,000.
- 2019: Block Grant, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota (awarded for fieldwork in Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, Democratic Republic of the Congo from May to August 2019) –$8,000.
- 2018: Graduate Research Partnership Program (GRPP) Fellowship, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota (awarded as partial support to conduct fieldwork in Gombe National Park, Tanzania) –$2,000. Block Grant, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota (awarded as partial support to conduct fieldwork in Gombe National Park, Tanzania) –$3,000.
Other Work Experience - Author
- Published novel: Alexis Demey. 2022. “La veilleuse d’âmes – La voix des morts”. Lucca Edition. Lille, France. Using science-fiction to teach anthropology to a broad audience.
- Published novel: Alexis Demey. 2018. “La veilleuse d’âmes – L’arbre des liens”. Lucca Edition. Lille, France. Using science-fiction to teach anthropology to a broad audience.
Professional Services
- 2024 - : Member of the Omo Valley Research project (OVRP)
- 2023 - : Secretary for the Société Francophone de Primatologie (SFDP) – elected for 3 years as member of the administration council. Co-organizer of the 36th Annual Meeting of the SFDP – 4-day scientific conference.
- 2021 - 2022: Weekly meeting for the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, Harvard University Translation of documents from English to French - speech addressed to the Democratic Republic of Congo government and press to raise awareness on bonobo conservation (Speech performed by Ashley Judd), documents for a Guinea chimpanzee project (Dr. Liran Samuni and Dr. Erin Wessling) Founder and manager of Instagram page for The Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve (raising awareness on bonobos).
- 2020 Organizer of Biological Anthropology Colloquium – Cancelled due to Covid-19.
- 2018 - 2020: Organizer of Biological Anthropology Brown Bag Lunch (BABBL)
- 2018 - 2020: Founder and manager of a graduate group on science-fiction and anthropology
- 2017: SASSA-Program developer (for K-12 students around Minneapolis)
Professional Memberships
Société Francophone de Primatologie (SFDP) Omo Valley Research Project (OVRP) American Association of Biological Anthropologists
Computational/Statistical Languages and Software Skills
R, Python, Microsoft programs (including Access), Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro
Language Spoken
French (mother tong) English (fluent)